write a program to add two numbers and display the sum in Assembly Language


.model small

.stack 100h


msg1 db "Enter First Decimal Number : $"

msg2 db ,0dh,0ah,"Enter Second Decimal : $"

msg3 db ,0dh,0ah,"SUM of Entered Numbers = $"

num1 db ?;

num2 db ?,;

ans db ?,"$"


main proc 


mov ax,@data            ;initiaize ds

mov ds,ax  

mov dx,offset msg1  

mov ah,09

int 21h

mov ah,1h               ;read first initial

int 21h

sub al,30h

mov num1,al 

mov dx,offset msg2      ;load and display msg2

mov ah,9

int 21h

                        ;read second initial

mov ah,1h

int 21h

sub al,30h

mov num2,al

mov dx,offset msg3

mov ah,9                ;load and display msg3

int 21h

mov al,num1             ;add num1 and num2

add al,num2 

add al,30h              ;moves value into ans

mov ans,al

mov dx,offset ans       ;load and display msg3

mov ah,9

int 21h 

                        ;returns control to dos

mov ah, 4ch

int 21h 

main endp 

end main
